I spent the night being a pigeon. Theatre is such a bizarre zoo, it really is.
I am EXHAUSTED due to traveling hours on end and doing the final shows of the tour and rehearsing for "The Producers". Simply dragging, but cannot really appear so because I have to be professional and ready to go. Yikes...
It has been an odd first week of rehearsal for a slew of reasons. First, there is a cast member with whom I have previous baggage and that always is FUN. Second, I was unaware that the interns that started a week prior to the show would be full on rehearsing, thus when I entered the scene (and a few other non-interns) I would feel unprepared and unbonded. Hee... I know that is not a word, but I so enjoy creating new ones. So to walk into that situation has been uncomfortable, but certainly not insurmountable. I just need this Monday and Tuesday break to rest the mind, heart, and study my different characters and acquaint myself with who they are and how they breathe.
My voice is just drooping from the singing... I can hear it saying, "Please give me a nap. I want to be good, I want to but I cannot with what you are asking me to do."
I shall honour that request soon.
It seems a consistent theme in my life to have periods of time where I am lying down, watching "Friends" and in my daydreams for hours to never having a moment to rest and running myself ragged.
Well, the positive spin on this is that I have been a WORKING actor all of 2009 and shall be until September for I have another role after "Producers".
I must say that feels validating and AWESOME.
I miss my Mom and cannot wait to see her this weekend and see the Trek once more. I have missed it and I think that he has missed me too. I can feel it deep in my Trekkie/Trekker soul.
Floss. I have been slacking and my gums are ninja chopping my ass right now.
Winks and smiles,
The Crimson Phoenix (That being me, the Dustin)