I have never liked being alone as much as I do now...
I find myself escaping to a dressing room to be alone (in the midst of the show, not just some random Gap dressing room - ha - that could be fun) and read a book, staying in and enjoying my pj look (dapper, let me tell you), watching TV on DVD, (this is truly one of the best delights the world has to offer... Love a story, wish you had more? BAM, put in another DVD...) enjoying a space where you control the stimulus.
A term that is shimmying with subjectivity. :-)
There are very few people with whom I truly desire to converse currently. It has NOTHING really to do with my friends, just me. I simply would rather be reading, investigating my potential career path, (I am going to only take core classes this term and research ANY and EVERYTHING I could potentially become career-wise) watch some witty sitcom, sing, or take excessive and wonderfully orchestrated cat naps.
So, if anyone reads this and is missing me or thinking that my absence means something is awry... NOPE, I just do not have much to offer in the way of communication and really do not want to listen much either. I just want to be.
Another term of subjectivity...
The fact that I have been given the gift to change the energy of most rooms, to really entertain, to see people, to make friends easily is awe-inspiring to me.
I just need some let's get to know Dustin and what he likes timey time-time, from the deep (which I have chronicled in depth in this blogosphere) to the simple (I cannot get enough of Chicken Noodle Soup or Sprite). It is odd, fun, and necessary - this alone time. Am I bouncing about like Roger Rabbit like I can sometimes do? No, but I am carrying a revival of sorts inside, quiet, but growing, searching, and being. Ah, being...
I love this phase.
I love you.
I thank you for continuing to read what I write.
I wish you some alone time, for I think we all DESERVE and NEED it... and sometimes we get too caught up in the muck of life to take this time to just listen within.
A postscript to poppets: The first picture is of me in 2006 in Memphis at my American Idol audition. The second is of me in junior high in Choir. I thought they both showed the true essences of me and wanted to include them. I am a wonderfully odd little fellow. Yay for Dustin, that being me! Yay for you too... Hell, a big Yay for us all! :-)