I can become so overwhelmed by the beauty of art: be it song, film, story, painting, and all the events/things that have the potential to be "art" if we allow them to be borne in our hearts, to really be experienced. When we allow ourselves to SEE these art-forms, I taste divinity, I do... sometimes in the oddest of forms, but there it is, smiling at me welcoming me home. :-) After some days of just shitty shitness (which was, frankly, part "The World" and part "Dustin's baggage shimmeying its junk"), it was HEALING to tune into "Glee" tonight and see/hear songs from Heart, Kander and Ebb, Carrie Underwood, and Queen. What?! In one show, and, for the record, I am a Kristin Chenoweth fan. I will keep saying it and writing it, but "Glee" makes my soul giggle. Such a tender and fun warmth, playing in the schoolyard, deep-gutted frivolity. And: Queen - I am not a band person per se, I have nothing against them, but tend to be more of...