What a swirly day:
From taking my first test in Spanish, not my shining moment, but I took it and, well, it took me. No where to go but UP in that class,
To attending Theatre and working on a scene due Friday, nothing difficult, but unexpected,
To having the weekly lunchy lunch chow chow time with mi madre. So fun, just love how she is searching and creating and growing. Such a beacon to me she is,
To living my first Music History test, oh my when you know it you do and when you do not, there is no faking it in that class, BUT there are notes and doodles that can be made on the test... Can I get a creative Amen?
(Pausing for you to say/dance/act/be it...)
(Still pausing for the reticents. That is not a typo, I mean the ones who possess reticence...)
Ahh, much better.
I doodled happy and sad faces (my creations eager ernie smiley and LETHARGIC LENNY BLAH - more on those characters at some point), the Heroes symbol (which had a good season opener akin to the first season, we shall see if it finds its direction once more) and wrote some notes to the teacher. I took that test the DUSTIN way. Oh my. And test scene.
Then Stephanie and I had a little reunion and walked into
Pete Za's Playtime Pizza...
Holy Mother of Weasley, Potter, Patty, Beam, and Buffay!
Black light golf (black light pirates make my heart go pitter patter), go carts, all you can eat buffet, games, games, games, and I selected two rings and happy face stickers with my winning tickets. (Willy Wonka cue)
I felt like Andy going to Pizza Planet. Maybe pizza has to be around places where there is just fun abounding. It was a kid night and one I needed.
So, a day well lived, tests taken, but not well, medium rare tests if you will, my beacon of be yourself DNA leader, reunion with my stalkee, and just living it like there is no other way than to be present....
Winks and a grin of the cat that is Cheshire,
Pic 1: This is the inside world of one Pete Za.
Pic 2: This is one of the characters in the black light world of the golf that is too fun to understand.
Pic 3: This is Pizza Planet at Walt Disney World, which I visited a few times when I worked at the WDW. "Holla" to the 90's. :-) for "holla".