i should be tired, but all I can do is smile.
After years of trying different techniques, to do lists, and letting the overwhelms drain my effervescence, I did something new. I just DID instead of over-analyzing. A slew of little things that add up to me feeling dancey shakey that ass like it is the money maker it is. (Wait, my Mama reads this now... oh well, she is smiling if she is reading this so no harm, no foul.)
I started today at 715 am and "finished" it at 1145 pm. Whew.
Sometimes it merely takes a simple, seemingly insignificant paradigm shift to make ALL the difference. I feel as though I might fall unconscious at any moment but I also feel that I have shed years of weight, of failures, of things with which I needn't burden myself any longer.
This year I have devoured the new and it has proven worthwhile and launched me throughout the emotional spectrum. As a person who tries to understand where I am emotionally, colour me surprised that, out of the blue, things seem RIGHT again. I feel comfortable in my own skin, with how I am doing things and with where the journey is progressing. There were no cello swells or fairies dancing (well, that is another "tail" at least. The homonymn error was purposeful for humour's sake), but just a simple,
I am back, but stronger and better and cuter than before. And I want to tell everyone!
Colour me surprised that I am where I am, that I seem to keep making friends, singing songs, selling wicker, loving life, and hugging the hand of Fate who has never left my side even in the midnight terrains.
Love. It is that simple.
The pictures are from an impromptu singing gig in which we caroled at an outdoor mall. Since it is pre-Thanksgiving it was early for my tastes, but SO MUCH FUN! I got to wear the elf hat (I have a thing for elves) and sing and it just fueled the passion of my artist. YAY!