I have been trying to get rid of the emotions I had for the man I dated for almost four months, but tonight I realized: I don't have to let go of my feelings, I can cradle them inside for as long as I need. And the biggest epiphany was this: I loved him - it happened, it just was. I did not allow myself to admit that until tonight. I would have done anything for him... I just do not think that he was ready for what I had to offer. So, although I am not there yet, I know one day I will be grateful for this pain, grateful for the heartache that made me feel as though my soul was ripped apart, because it allowed me to know the depths I can love someone, to finally experience that place I had always imagined to be within me. I don't know what the future holds. I thought he could be "my one" and that is something I have waited for and dreamed about for so long that I did not want to see it go. To watch that dream die, that idea of what we could have been... but I never...