Happy Birthday Dad. I feel you at the oddest and most impeccable of times, your timing mischievous and unflinching. You are still every bit as real as when you were here asking me, "Have you checked your oil today?".
March 23rd will never be the same for me again. And it should not. It is a date when I remember you: the man that gave me life and was born on this March day, a man that I will
forget. A man that shaped the MAN I am and am becoming. (Oh how I wish you were here sometimes, just to see, to talk, to hug...)
In every lyric, every melody, every show, every nuance, every breath you dwell. I love you and the artistry I embody exemplifies that....
I miss you more than any blog could ever say, but I wanted to write something and not fall into the wordless abyss... Together, you and I shall defy it.
You make me stronger.
There is an afterlife for I know you are ALIVE in some capacity and I feel it almost everyday.
I love you Dad. I miss you. I am crying and neither one of us want that so I shall conclude saying...
I will remember you and you will walk with me everywhere. You are still breathing for I hold you in the deepest and most private recesses of my heart.
From you I learned...
How to live one day at a time...
That I have been changed for good...
And that the anchor holds...
Loving my Dad,