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The Spider and the Fly

(I awoke with this story in my head and it merely poured out of me. It is VERY unlike me to share a story that is not edited and BRAND new, but I thought that I would to highlight the wonder of the muse. I was fast asleep and this story said, "Wake up, it is time to write me." I do not feel that it will be any longer than twenty to thirty pages, but one never knows with the perplexing muse. This dream is born out of a story my Mom told me where, as a young girl, she awoke to find a demon at the edge of her bed. Most do not believe her and brush the story aside as the overactive imagination of a child. To this day, she attests this happened. I believe her.

My Mother is open to energies and experiences others might not understand and even scoff that she does, but I KNOW she does. So, this story will be a fantasy story about a TRUE event that happened to my Mama that others would label fantasy, others would label an otherworldly visitation. I hope that you enjoy....)

The Malevolent Marionette

One: The Entrance

"What is that?" Derrik fumbled with the comforter searching to find what his foot was touching. It did not feel... normal.
In the middle ground of sleep and reality, he fought to gain composure and...
Then he saw IT.
Perched at the foot of his bed was a creature that defied explanation. He looked into its eyes and life stopped; the creature looked back with a fury and curiosity that robbed Derrik of all oxygen.
"Who are you?" insisted Derrik, sounding as though he had discovered some intruder robbing the house, attempting to mask the terror in which he was inexplicably drowning.
The dark, horrid creature played an elaborate game of stare, although this was no game, Derrik was no longer in the midst of both worlds, he was awake, this creature a stark reality from the slumber world in which he had inhabited mere minutes ago.
That is when Derrik noticed why he could not breathe.
The evil essence perched at the foot of his bed, no taller than three feet (Could that be right?) was rapidly inhaling the air of the room, gleefully taking it away from Derrik. He, it was not an it, it was a he, seemed to garner glee from doing this and the fact that it had taken Derrik far too long, in his estimation, to note what he was doing.
Derrik had a frightfully odd realization. He knew this monster; they had met before, although he could not place where. He summoned courage from within, a place both foreign and familiar to him.
"WHO are YOU?” he demanded and with his newfound power he both startled the entity and leveled the playing ground. The creature stopped his mischievously nefarious act and laughed a giggle that violently pierced the rapidly depleting air.

Gracefully bounding through the room like a malevolent marionette, he made an exit unlike any human had ever seen, it was like the dance of the spider before she ingests the trapped fly: beautiful, menacing... but not before stopping at the door in the midst of his demonic ballet to stare back at Derrik and growl:
"You shall see."

There is more to come,


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