Almost a year ago, a beloved feline named Gracie died. She was not my cat, but she was my friend. I am typically allergic to the felines, but I could pet her and I did indeed love her.
She used to flop when you pet her and it was one of the most adorable sights I have ever beheld.
The other morning I awoke after a vivid and tranquil dream. Gracie was at my feet and I could hear her thoughts. Also at my feet was my forthcoming CD. She noted that it was good that I had finished it and that she loved my music. I pet her and was filled with perfect calm.
She was trying to rest, but I was restless and she laughed. She said she was leaving and got tickled that when we tried to sleep together one of us could not sleep well. This was odd, but she said it and I believed it to be truth.
This dream was REAL.
I loved her voice. Beauty embodied.
I have never had a dream like this in my life and I have dreamed some humdingers.
I miss your flop.
I miss your soft fur and purr (that rhymed).
I miss you.
If I could be guaranteed to get a Gracie if I purchased a cat, then I would add her to my family. I would invest in allergy medicine and smile for I would know I had a true pal.
Gracie, thanks for visiting and (I am going to write it) gracing my dreams and my life.
Much love.
Goodbye dear feline,