I try to share on this blog and give details into my life. It is cathartic, fun, whimsical, and just damn good times for me. It is no secret that I have been deeply entrenched in Operation: Sexify and that it has produced interesting and sitcom-esque moments at times.
Suffice it to say I have been on a date, albeit an odd night, and have not just one, but two more forthcoming in rapid succession. I am nervous and excited. I had just about decided I was going to take a break from talking with the gays in a romantic capacity for I was fatigued and...
It happens.
Karma in all her glory and distinct comedic timing. Brilliant, nebulous, and sometimes a little bitch. (ha)
Dustin is going on a date!!!! Skippity skipptiy flippity floppity hoppity...
I spoke til the wee hours of the morning with a man that was so unexpected it is hard to articulate. As I have encountered this circumstance a few times before (oh the men with whom I have conversed on Operation: Sexify missions... that sounds kinky and I like it and am keeping it...) I have learned to take the moment for what it is, just a conversation. Sometimes, connection is palpable and seemingly instant.
Well played, well played.
And Karma, we are going to hug and then rumble...