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Showing posts from September, 2008

Change... Goodnight, Gracie

The sight of a house in the midst of packing for a move is sad. In a few weeks much of my life shall change... where I will be living, with whom I live, the job that pays the bills, etc. It is no wonder I enjoy my little fantasies of "Heroes", "Smallville", "Friends", and "Brothers and Sisters". They are my constant and a comforting world in which I can escape. It has been change, change, change for a while. I look forward to breathing again. It is my concerted hope to create some rituals for the upcoming Holiday season to bring the magic back to life after the past two year's darkness. I love the Fall and cannot wait to bask in it's splendor. "Heroes" was spectacular. Enthralling. They know how to spin a tale. I am off to nap before show number two of a four show weekend. "Les Mis" can deflate the energy sails. I love performing, but it will be nice to be "me" for a few months. After the show, so...


Creation is a simple and electrifying joy. It hearkens back the child within. It is like I am living in my own personal playground. My muse awoke with a mission towards progress on songs and "Jarryd and Noki." After months, lyrics are bursting forth from my psyche for "In Tune". Ahhh, at last, I say, at last. Changes to my fantasy story (and title), insights into characters, new words and definitions for the culture... I am starting to see it unfold gloriously before my eyes. Now I must write it. Terribly exciting. I cannot wait to share this world with others. Really living, Dustin

"This is for you."

I think that my blog could be called "The Theatre and Homage to my Dad Write-up". It does seem those two topics are reoccurring themes. This summer has been eye-opening, validating, and life-altering. Returning to musicals was necessary and doing my most professional work to date in "Les Mis" brings me unparalleled peace. It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: "Your profession is NOT what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling." (Vincent Van Gogh) The frame of reference was set between retail/waitering vs. musical storytelling. There is simply no comparison. When one is doing what one is called to do, peace ensues. It is that simple. I have learned to let things go on stage. Our Madame Thenardier said something quite astute, simple, and profound the other night. It was in reference to she and Mike (Thenardier) lagging a b...

Having a "Gay" Ole Time Whilst Housesitting/Bathing in Technology/Remember the Encyclopedia?/Circular Moments Rarely Present Themselves

I am housesitting for my pals, Karen and Jayphen. They have an amazing computer and I was looking around and playing and found this picture program. I took a few of me in a program that takes four of you within a few seconds of each other ala a photo booth in the mall. So, at 1:50 am on a Friday night/Saturday early morning this is how I entertain myself. Ha. I am having more fun doing this... I love discovering little new fun things. A member of "Les Mis" ensemble called out tonight due to illness. It was as if we were in some "Twilight Zone" episode tonight. We were running the show, but there was a person just gone. No one would have noticed that he was ever supposed to be there... (Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo... Theme music cue here) I often find it intriguing how at 7 pm (on an 8 pm show night) I am one person perhaps a little fatigued (like tonight) and then by 8 pm I am a completely different human being on a journey of becoming several different...

"Smallville" Awesomenosity

Oh my... we are back to the awesomenosity that was Season Three. Wow. And wow again. It is comforting when a show draws you into its creative clutches once more. I am enthralled. Between this, the "Heroes" impending debut, "Brothers and Sisters", the "Twilight" film, and the other goodies I cannot even process at the time of this writing, I might just be overstimulated to the capacity of "Joy-zilla." (That is right -- I cleverly used the juxtaposition of "joy" and "Godzilla". A beautiful emotion and component of happiness versus a scary creature. "I am brill"...) More poppets, always... Dustin

Impending Epic Storytelling -- Heroes:Villians

I am ready... so ready. It is going to make parts of my body melt it is going to be that good. I can feel it in a place that only I understand. :-) (There should have been some epic underscoring with those statements... I am thinking a cello, timpani, and a celesta.) These photos are impeccable. Of course so is "Heroes". Today we had a show for the "chitlins" and I was a giggle box and a half. Ah -- live performance, gotta love it. And I do... I just had a strawberry limoncello martini from Olive Garden (The Big O.G.) and it was yummystein... That is all I have to report. Time for a nap that will make all other naps sleepy it will be that epic and full of yawny cuddly with the pillowy times, Dustin P.S. Never neglect flossing. I have in the past few days and my gums are a bit apathetic to the whole ordeal. Train those gums people!

Pensive Musings

Here are some photos from my thirtieth birthday party. It was a fun night and also a time I realized that I no longer wanted to drink where my tummy did not like me. That is the most euphemistic way I could possibly word that. :-) Ushering in a new decade beckons celebration and I did just that. Now that "Les Mis" is open I have to get my head back into the game... well, actually I have to get my head into a few different games: school, apartment hunting, grad school scouting (what a difficult journey this one has become), writing songs, starting "Bevan and Noki", etc. My Mother informed me a couple of weeks ago that she had sold the trailer and that we were to be out in 36 days. Now to preface this (ha -- actually to preface this I would have to actually do a preface before the other sentence to embody the definition of a preface, but I find this to be more interesting because I am the King of Asides...) my Mom had made me aware that she was going to be moving o...

I Am in My Right Place

Last night the audience was superb. They got it -- they really got it. They started applauding in the Epilogue. It was a beautiful, beautiful moment. During "Empty Chairs" I thought to myself: "It is cool that I am getting paid to be a ghost." Life is outstanding. I say this often, but it is a prevalent theme in my life: I am so blessed. Now, off to notes from last night's show and I have to learn how to hit Fantine convincingly. I have never struggled this much to make something "real", but I have never had to play this type of role with these demands. I am learning much. Here's to organic chocolate milk and whole grain Cheerios! (They both bring cheer to me.) ha! Dustin

Pictures of Beautiful "Les Mis" and "OH My..... Fluture?!!"

The set designer, Rob, sent the cast these pictures of "Les Mis". I cannot believe that I am in a show that LOOKS this impeccable. In a word, wow. I am posting a few of them to share my joy. I knew that the lights and costumes were a sight to behold, but when one is worried about set and costume changes, there is little time to focus on the magic that this show is. I am present in a few thus proving that I am indeed a part of this production. A few notes: The other night I became lost in "People's Song". I was fatigued and my mind went blank. I could not remember if we sang the lyric "future" or "life" so instead I defiantly sang "fluture" and a few other unrecognizable lyrics. Not only did I sing, I sang louder. Really? Yes, really. I had a bit of a scary moment in the show the other night. In the scene, Thenardier brings in a dead body. Who can play a cadaver like no other? That would be me! He accidentally (and really th...

Serenity Tech

God grant me the serenity to endure Tech in the right costumes and wigs, courage to delve into characters while trying to remember scene changes, and the wisdom to breathe a little and have some fun. And "Les Mis" scene. :-) I love theatre, period. Does it love me, question mark? (I want to know) in parentheses. Right now exclamation mark! Y N Maybe Check one. C-ya at recess. I love Civics. Gotta be another few people and earn the pay, Dustin

On Board with the Obama-Wing, but Never Fulling Saying Goodbye to My Woman-In -Chief, The Incomparable Hillary Clinton

Jeers to campaigns that use fear tactics to garner favour for their candidate. Cheers to "The Daily Show" for funny and apt representation of the Republican's double standard on Palin and experience. I respect those whose views differ from my own if there is a mutual respect. In fact, I grew up with the notion that you vote for the candidate and not the party. My Mother would traditionally vote Democrat and my Father would vote Republican, but they were interested in the issues. In the past few years I have become more anti-Republican because of the fear used in the campaigns closely akin to the fear in fundamentalist religions that scare you into believing in Jesus because of the fiery alternative. When "W" ran for re-election (and I am agog that he won AGAIN... head-scratcher there) he discussed gays and their rights to marriage. He was going to "save" marriage. Yet, he did very little to nothing about this when he was re-elected. He merely ...

Tranquil Exploration without Leaving the Comforts of The Slumber Chamber

Peace: (defined by me to be the following) Sitting in bed with a book and escaping into a world that no one but you shall ever see in the same magical way, eating good food whilst this exploration, and being in a bed ( a place where I wish we could reside more often and lounge habitually in our pj's). I am thankful to Megan not only for her friendship, but also for introducing me to the "Twilight" series of books that gave me a thirst (Yes, pun intended) for the necessity (for me at least) of reading. In "Eclipse" I talked to the book and think that it heard me. If that makes me weird, well I shall own that title with distinction and honour. I cried over that book and the finale of the series. I quite enjoyed how she resolved matters even though it appears that there have been some less than noteworthy reviews of "Breaking Dawn". Last night a true peace enveloped me as I realized that I am content to like what I like and not judge it negatively: i...

A Belated Note of Appreciation to the Todds and The Spells

Here are a few more random pictures from "Sweeney" and "G'spell". I traditionally write everyone a card and present it to each member of the cast on opening night, but this summer I was so concentrated on the work and delivering that I did not do that. Instead, I am sending an email to the casts of both "Sweeney" and "Godspell" and I thought that I would post it here as it was such a wonderful summer. I will write more about the beauty that is "Les Mis" soon poppets.... Here it is: Although I am not a fan of mass correspondence, I wanted to write to you fine people with whom I spent my theatrical summer. Both the "Sweeney" and "Godspell" experiences were a beautiful homecoming to musical theatre after a three-year hiatus. Thanks for generously giving both onstage and off in scenes, songs, validation, time, and support. It was my pleasure to work with you and get to know some of your stories. These productions ...