Having a "Gay" Ole Time Whilst Housesitting/Bathing in Technology/Remember the Encyclopedia?/Circular Moments Rarely Present Themselves

I am housesitting for my pals, Karen and Jayphen. They have an amazing computer and I was looking around and playing and found this picture program. I took a few of me in a program that takes four of you within a few seconds of each other ala a photo booth in the mall. So, at 1:50 am on a Friday night/Saturday early morning this is how I entertain myself. Ha. I am having more fun doing this... I love discovering little new fun things.
A member of "Les Mis" ensemble called out tonight due to illness. It was as if we were in some "Twilight Zone" episode tonight. We were running the show, but there was a person just gone. No one would have noticed that he was ever supposed to be there... (Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo... Theme music cue here)
I often find it intriguing how at 7 pm (on an 8 pm show night) I am one person perhaps a little fatigued (like tonight) and then by 8 pm I am a completely different human being on a journey of becoming several different humans that night. Ah, the magic of live theatre.
A few points about the show:
I am loving the Major Domo character and think that there should be an entire musical about him. He just loves to shake his "queer" tail. Ha -- too too too funny.
Two significant moments transpired yesterday during our matinee for the school crowd.
1. I knew that they were going to laugh at the mention of the word "queer". Usually, the audience is more interested in my "aghast" expression to the mention of being called a queer and not the word itself. However, I had braced myself for this and remember that it was funny to hear that word back when I was an adolescent. I became empowered as I thought back to the days where I was verbally abused (It was not pretty sometimes) about my sexual orientation and that now I was being paid to portray a character and live off that comedy in that moment. It was a beautiful circular moment. I drank it in and thanked the world for the human that I am now and that I love myself and am open and honest about who I am... that it is not an issue as it was in high school. (Oh the arduous journey of coming out. I am glad that I am over that. Whew. And gay scene.)
2. I recalled when I was in sixth grade (I think it was that year) and I attended The Arkansas Rep and saw "Peter Pan". I remember that the Peter was Steve Wilkerson and that the Captain Hook was Michael Davis. (Aside: Several years later I worked with dear Michael In "My Fair Lady" and wrote him a letter noting his past work.) That production is in an elite group of very few. It created a thirst for theatre. I became a bit overwhelmed as I thought, "What happens if there is one person out there just like me that is watching this production and whose life might be altered because he/she saw Les Mis... in the same venue where I was moved almost twenty years ago..."
Now that is a precious thing there friends. It actually gives me goose bumps to think about it. There are pivotal moments in artistry and, although I could truly be making this one come to fruition, this was one of them for me.
I am chatting with someone I do not know on the amazing Facebook (Goodness... it is addicting) and his boyfriend's name reminded me of someone. I instantly went and googled it (Can you believe that is a word now?) and realized my error with the name of the composer and the aforementioned boyfriend of said stranger (wow -- the point is Dustin?). Remember when you had to look up something that you did not know in an encyclopedia????
The internet really can be a miracle of a creation: its ability to connect you to those whom you miss or with whom you have lost touch, its search capabilities, etc. It is a modern feat this interweb... ha ha ha
This has been a bit stream of consciousness even for me, but I wanted to put some thoughts to paper... errr blog screen.
I hope that all is well with you.
Always what kiddos?
Yes, floss is the answer Dustin was seeking.