Here are a few more random pictures from "Sweeney" and "G'spell". I traditionally write everyone a card and present it to each member of the cast on opening night, but this summer I was so concentrated on the work and delivering that I did not do that. Instead, I am sending an email to the casts of both "Sweeney" and "Godspell" and I thought that I would post it here as it was such a wonderful summer.
I will write more about the beauty that is "Les Mis" soon poppets....
Here it is:
Although I am not a fan of mass correspondence, I wanted to write to you fine people with whom I spent my theatrical summer. Both the "Sweeney" and "Godspell" experiences were a beautiful homecoming to musical theatre after a three-year hiatus.
Thanks for generously giving both onstage and off in scenes, songs, validation, time, and support. It was my pleasure to work with you and get to know some of your stories.
These productions rekindled my passion for performing musical theatre and I know I will look back on this summer fondly as a new launching point of a potential musical theatre career. (At least I am determined to try again.)
The most unexpected blessing of all was that I was able to have an active communication with my beloved Dad through the magic of live theatre. And I know the spirit of my Father brought new hues to our performances.
It was my distinct honour dear ones, my distinct honour.
With the utmost of gratitude,
Dustin Ashley Beam