Peace: (defined by me to be the following) Sitting in bed with a book and escaping into a world that no one but you shall ever see in the same magical way, eating good food whilst this exploration, and being in a bed ( a place where I wish we could reside more often and lounge habitually in our pj's).
I am thankful to Megan not only for her friendship, but also for introducing me to the "Twilight" series of books that gave me a thirst (Yes, pun intended) for the necessity (for me at least) of reading.
In "Eclipse" I talked to the book and think that it heard me. If that makes me weird, well I shall own that title with distinction and honour. I cried over that book and the finale of the series. I quite enjoyed how she resolved matters even though it appears that there have been some less than noteworthy reviews of "Breaking Dawn".
Last night a true peace enveloped me as I realized that I am content to like what I like and not judge it negatively: i.e that I would rather be at home reading and alone than out with a mass of people, that I enjoy having "Friends" lull me to sleep, etc. Somewhere along the journey, I commenced on this comparison of others to what I loved and how I lived. I have let much of that go, but last night I bid the final remnants "adieu".
What unbridled joy it is to love yourself for who you are in that precise and perfect, never-to-be duplicated moment.
And kick.
And stretch.
I have learned that I shall always worry. It is inevitable and human, but that I must let that worry go when it becomes unhealthy. Plus, the worry does nothing for the problem. The thirties have brought me the ability to compartmentalize in a healthy fashion that I had never known until the past few weeks. I look at auditioning again and trying to do the musical theatre "thang" and instead of being apprehensive, I just think that it is what I need to do and try. If it is not a success in the sense of jobs attained, that is okay. No worries, they are unnecessary and time-wasters.
So here's to reading, resting, eating, pajamas, eating healthier (mmm tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, hummus, oranges, organic chocolate milk, peanuts, yummmmmmm), letting go, bidding adieu, the kick ass time of my life called the thirties, and to my new book, "The Mysterious Benedict Society" by Trenton Lee Stewart. It is intriguing, eccentric, and captivating thus far. I must admit that I like that the author uses three names.... I wonder why. Ha.
Floss always,
Dustin Ashley Beam