My day consisted of:
burnt muffins that looked like charcoal that had been mashed with a blender of doom,
smelling like mashed blender of doom and getting "Febreze'd" at my Mom's office (yes, Febreze'd),
a Spanish show and tell presentation in which my Harry Potter doll valiantly appeared,
a Theatre four line reading in which Duvall's zombie defense knowledge appeared,
writing a paper on Lycurgus and Sparta whom I made a Doctor and patient, respectively,
a LONG History class that is always long but with the weather felt like "Gone With the Wind" was jogging past us, giggling, and pointing a bitchy cinematic finger,
the Dustin and Ian Monday night of "How I Met Your Mother" and "The Big Bang Theory"...
So, all in all, a funny, productive, and rainy day.
My "West Wing: The Complete Series" arrived on Saturday and I could not be happier. That show is mmm mmm. What would I do without my little stories to watch?
On Saturday, I watched Quin and went to The Wonder Place. It is a wonder place... you can grocery shop, cook, do arts and crafts, play on slides, perform a puppet show, dress up, and that is just what I did. Ha. I spent a glorious couple of hours with him and, as usual, he lit the spark of my youth and joy.
I will keep saying it - that child is a miracle. So special. I do look forward to seeing where his life leads him. :-)
That is all for now, I just wanted to issue a little report of the goings-on of my world.
Ah, rain the soundtrack of any Arkansan's life these days and nights,
PSfP: The picture of the burnt muffins is not nearly as bad as the muffin carcass I discovered and extracted from my microwave this morning. And it still smells BAD in my house. 30 seconds and 3:00 (3 minutes) can destroy everything about a little muffin top... Sad really, just plain sad.