back in the chair of root canals
and crowns that are not royal
i sit and talk with the gods of the gas of laughter
vibrating in the fields of the before and after
the circle life makes
the detours life takes
sorting the reals and fakes
the circle life stakes
back in the voices of friends
and singing where i belong
how i have missed them this year
grateful to have left the time of fear
the detours life takes
sorting the reals and fakes
the circle life makes
the circle life stakes
a new potential is found
scary, but true, odd, but real
this time i will be fearless, nothing to lose
letting go is what i this time choose
sorting the reals and fakes
the circle life makes
the circle life stakes
the detours life takes
the student in me returns
after a long time dormant state
"hello again" i dance and delight
it's good to know you were not lost in the fight
the circle life makes
the circle life stakes
the detours life takes
sorting the reals and fakes
"i want to believe again" ushers from my lips
my trust in self is restored and alive
returning to look beyond the five senses i know
a homecoming to the "faith show"
the circle life stakes
the detours life takes
sorting the reals and fakes
the circle life makes
the circle is not complete
but is in perpetual motion
free to nod my way every now and then
orbiting the what's to be and the might have been
the detours life takes
sorting the reals and fakes
the circle life makes
the circle life stakes
the circle