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From Within, Invent You

Outside, rain falls as it has often in our humble Natural State this year, much rain, much grey.

I have really begun to love the rain.

It has been a mirror of my travels, the cleansing, the nurturing of new soil for what lies ahead.

I met with Kristina, the Bulgarian Wonder Beautiful Dreamer Enigma and we ate, talked, and shopped. I found some IMPECCABLE deals for Christmas and bought my Mama and others a gift. How fun is that?

We also stumbled into an art gallery and I was transfixed by how remarkable talents can blend colours and create a glimpse into their story, their world. I am thinking about art more as I am about to change one of the minors to art: scary, fun, and huhtastic.

I adore Kristina and understand her troubles and hopes, being single, wanting to make music, and trying to find who you want to be when there are overwhelming potentials. What a problem to have, but she is a genius.

We discussed music, trying to create a company for us so we can entertain at parties and such... and it was BLISS to start talking recording times, schedules, collaborations, setting aside times for the gigs to debut the Phoenix.

Oh, it is going to happen, I can feel it.
And I meet with a possible producer and collaborator Thursday. After trying to move this process along, it is nice to see that it is moving at its own pace and this project will come to fruition.

You have to put that shit out in the world, so world:

In October of 2010, "Playground of a Phoenix" will take its flight, enabling those who partake to hear who I have been and who I am becoming in the guise of odd, truthful, and ME songs. It is so exciting to plan when and where to record, photography, posters, liner notes (my fav), possible music videos (yes, fun and odd, two planned so far), a venue, and artwork for the design. Then off to Youtube and

Me with a dot com, I like it.

Life is really moving and I am along for the ride, occasionally driving, navigating, or re-writing the map along side Passion and Courage. Tenacity naps in the back seat and stirs at the most unforeseen moments.

I will conclude this musing with a quote I adore. May you realize your opportunities and the power you have within to invent YOU.

"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Unknown said…
Simply put, I love your blog, love your writing style, but mostly I'm always enchanted by who you are.
Your #1 Fan

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