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Twilight Afterglow

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."
I fell in love with both the lion and the lamb...
and I am quite discerning.

The premiere of an eagerly awaited film is a spiritual experience for me. The ambiance is paramount to a pleasurable viewing: the popcorn, the soda, the people, the darkness before the first trailer...

I did not know what I would think of the "Twilight" finished product. I was happy to see the saga brought to the big screen as I am a massive fan of the series (all four novels, yes I even adore the fourth installment, "Breaking Dawn") and knew that I would enjoy the film on some level because it is always captivating to see characters emerge onscreen in flesh and blood (the humour there is intended unless you, the beloved reader, did not find it funny. Then it was merely verbiage used to dazzle you into blog submission...) and out of the constraints of the mind.

The film is marvelous. The onscreen chemistry between Edward and Bella is palpable and enthralling. I enjoyed the entire cast, even the ones that I initially thought "That is not Esme or Carlisle or Jacob". "Twilight" is like an old romance with the kiss being the ultimate communication between two entranced lovers, fueled with action, mostly faithful to the novel (and the changes are interesting and in keeping with Meyer's tone), brimming with small and humorous, thoughtful, and intriguing moments.

Wow, the kissing scene was exquisite and made it difficult for me to breathe.

Robert Pattinson makes excellent choices and he IS Edward. Kristen Stewart IS Bella... Without question, one of the strengths of this film was the casting. I enjoyed the camera work on the project and found it to be gritty and raw.

Nice pacing, fresh writing, organic acting, expertly shot, passionate chemistry.... It was a job well done and I am seeing it again Friday night.

I want to live in Edward's bedroom for a plethora of reasons (This time it was not entirely dirty... I merely like the space and found it to be inviting).

The final scene where Jacob and Edward have their little encounter displays the power that their relationship and its inevitable hardships shall embody. It is riveting.

I wanted to exit the theatre and delve right into the film "New Moon".

I am grateful that creative storytelling exists and that the theatre is a place of escape, of spirituality... It delights me to escape, and in that escape, discover a part of me long forgotten... and let the child in me frolic in the playground of my heart... this jaunt into "Twilight" was a cinematic dream come true for me and for the devoted fans of a series that makes one believe in fated love, in romance conquering all...

I believe, I believe in the power of "Twilight".


Meg said…
I wish I could go with you tonight but I must admit I probably won't see it again until the giggly teenage girl quotient dies down a bit. I just want to talk about music and books with Robert Pattinson until I fall asleep. *wink wink*

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