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It feels glorious to say that I ENJOYED my first full day of classes. From learning new Spanish words to discussing how we play roles in everyday life to pounding on an empty milk carton with a stick to African tribal rhythms to getting to actually know someone in a large class by being instructed to interview her with five questions... My day ran the spectrum of interests.


I can genuinely say that I like all my teachers and am looking forward to the semester. I feel like I did my first term when I attended UALR in the Fall of 2005 prior to all the emotional turbulence.

Through delighting in classes again I am further delving into Operation: Lifeify and who I want to be when I grow up. Ha. Also, Operation: Consisify is starting slowly but surely as I get organized in my room, my life, and my schooling. Operation: Hmmmify will commence next week when I begin "The Artist's Way". It is a twelve week study designed to reawaken creativity. Having heard about this book for years, I decided to really do the work involved recently. Then, this weekend I found an extra book. So that makes THREE. One I borrowed from a friend, one from Mom, and one from some region I know not. I took it as a sign that "The Artist's Way" is beckoning me.


Bran Flakes called and left a message about his dream in which Dad appeared. Bran Flakes was at the Royal Theatre in Benton (a place where I used to perform often) and Dad called on the phone and asked, "Are you coming in or not?" and Bran let him know that he was already there. Bran Flakes asked if Dad was going and he replied, "Oh I never miss a performance." Brandon told Dad where he was sitting and Dad remarked, "Oh, I always have great seats." Was I moved to hear this and do I think that it was Dad letting me know that he does visit my shows even now?


During one of my many walks on campus today, I was struck by how trees are truly magnificent. It was a lovely day. Operation: Naturify here I come brotha. :-)

Funny how we get stuck in our habits, even ones of which we are not fully conscious. I have been sleeping on one side of the bed for a long time now and since I relocated my bed, I am more flexible with where I can sleep. So, I popped in "Autumn in New York" (a film I have not viewed in many years) and decided that I would move to the center of the bed. This was both fun and a tad unnerving. I never really noticed that I like to sit/sleep on one side, usually bed left. (meaning if I am lying on the bed, I prefer the left side) Quirky little isms like that make life worth it all.


Off to watch more of the film and go to bed when "normal" people do. And I am going to sleep all over that damn bed tonight. Why? Because I can.

Pound a milk carton like a jubilant African drummer of the past.

What a day.




Brandon Beam said…
I immediately imagined Snagglepuss using your phrase ... : "Exit ... Bed left." That gets more interesting the longer you ponder, even ....

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